Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ash Wednesday

Last night we had a floor meeting and my RA challenged us to spiritually challenge ourselves over the next 40 days. Some of the ideas were:
  • Read your Bible for a certain period of time every day
  • Find something good in someone every day
  • Intentionally pray in silence everyday
  • Give something up and replace it with time with God

I decided that for the next 40 days I am going to block out 30 mins each day to spend time reading the Bible and praying. I am also going to work on not being so negative. Instead of talking bad or down about others, I am going to try and find the good in everyone. This also includes belittling my friends, even though I also do it in a joking manner. 40 days without negativity seems like a pretty big challenge for me...Wish me luck!!

Today I am going with Beth to the Homework Help Hour. Time to practice my teaching skills! And tonight I am going to the boys basketball game at Grace. Good luck boys!!

1 comment:

  1. I really like your blog so far, Erica!!! I'm glad we went to homework helper together...if I had gone alone I'm pretty sure I would have left as soon as the kids got there, haha.
