Sunday, May 16, 2010

California here I come!!

I came home on Saturday to a surprise from my mom and I are headed to CALIFORNIA for a mother/daughter trip!! It just so happens that we will also be cheering on the HU baseball team while we are out there! I am pumped!! I will be there until Friday, so stay tuned for pictures after the weekend. Praise the Lord for summer time : )

Thursday, May 13, 2010

MCC Conference Champs!

CONGRATS to the HU baseball team on winning the MCC Conference Championship! It has been an exciting week filled with baseball games, finals and packing, It has also been a somewhat stressful week to say the least. But I am done with school and it is officially summer!! The baseball boys find out tonight where their regionalswill be. Can't wait to take a road trip!

Last night we had to celebrate their huge win while others celebrated being done with college forever. There were a lot of different emotions in the air, but we all still had a great night.

Today has been filled with packing, packing and more packing. My parents came to help me pack up most of my stuff and take the couch back home. I'm not sure when I'm actually going home, I just know when I leave I only have my clothes and bathroom stuff to take with me. I have mixed emotions about summer. I am ready to be home with my family, but at the same time I am really going to miss my friends. I am excited to see all my high school friends though! It is also that time when my money is running low so I'm looking forward to working and earning some money. I still can't believe that summer is finally here! This year flew by! Exactly one more month until my birthday...get pumped! I hope you all have a safe trip home and enjoy your summer.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Done with classes!

I am FINALLY done with classes for the year and it feels great! Junior block is over forever! I was able to get all of my projects and lesson plans done even with all the baseball games last week.

The weight and stress has been lifted off my shoulders. I am oh so happy! I only have a few papers left and one final before summer. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! I am so excited for summer and all the plans that are starting to be made.

21st birthday

Cubs games

Lady Antebellum concert

Cedar Point (possibly multiple times)

Going to the lake

Hanging out with friends

Trip to Chicago


Chris' baseball games


and sooo much more : )