Thursday, October 8, 2009


This week my 7 friends and I had our first night of Bible study on Tuesday night. My amazing friend Kellyn had the brilliant idea to start this Bible study. She is the "leader" of the group : ) We are going to be going through the book of Psalms one or two chapters at a time. We went through Psalm 1 and each of us talked about what stuck out to us from the chapter. We got a lot more in depth than I thought we would and we had some really good discussions. This Bible study has inspired me to spend time with God daily. I actually desire to spend time in prayer and in God's Word, instead of it just being part of my to do list. I am excited to see where this Bible study will go and how I will grow in my faith!

On a side note: I am not doing as well in my junior block classes as I had hoped. The grading scales suck. 100-94 is an A, 94-84 is a B, 84-70 is a C and so on. So lately I would normally be getting a B, but instead I am getting a C!!! UGH its so frustrating!!! I hope the next time I have tests, they will go better. Well that's all for now. Tomorrow I am going shopping and I am PUMPED!!

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