Saturday, October 31, 2009

Olympiad 2009!!!

I have had so much fun this past weekend and it's not even over yet!! Olympiad kicked off on Thursday night and my friends and I were all decked out in pink. Here are tons of pictures from this weekend.

Us walking over for opening ceremony!!!

Bradie and I <3

My roomies!!!

Having fun at the events on Friday night

Emily dominating in the Relay Race!

Bradie and I all warmed up and ready for our three-legged race!!

It hurt so bad to duct tape our legs together!!

Finally ready for our race [both excited and nervous!]

Ready, set, go!!

I was dying on the way back down, but we WON!!!!

Bradie and I were SO happy that we got first place!!

Then after Olympiad we showered and dressed up like Ninjas to go to Sean's house!

We had a great time with Johanna and Emily!!
That's all for now though. Tonight Cassie, Emily and I are going to Ball State to visit Emily's friends. Happy Halloween everyone!!

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