Friday, October 30, 2009

So Insightful

Have you ever met someone that gave you the best insights ion life? I just find people some people to be so inspiring. This past week I had a really great conversation with one of my friends. He really inspired me and helped me get through some things that I have been dealing with. I feel like it's always good to get a boy's perspective on life and to find a guy who is actually willing to talk about deep stuff is a RARE thing! That is my exciting news for the week ha.

I found out that I could switch my junior block placement, so now I am in second grade. It's not a whole lot better but I'm just glad that it's not kindergarten.

Anyways, tonight there are more Olympiad events that I'm excited for!! Bradie and I are participating in the three-legged swim and I'm a little nervous about it. Oh well hopefully we just don't get last haha. Sorry this post was so lame, I will try and get some pictures on tomorrow.

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